PITTSBORO — The Pittsboro Board of Commissioners approved zoning changes, established a downtown social district, and appointed new Planning Board alternates at their recent meeting, last week. It had no public comments and was presided over by Mayor Cindy Perry.
The board voted 4-1 to approve a legislative rezoning request by Chatham Park Investors LLC. The request aims to change the zoning for a property at 264 Rock Springs Church Road from single-family to multi-family residential. Spanning approximately 128.51 acres, the change will accommodate the community's growing housing needs. "It's crucial we consider the long-term impact of such zoning changes on our community," said Commissioner Jay Farrell. The Planning Board had earlier recommended the conditional rezoning, in line with the town's development objectives.
A social district in downtown Pittsboro, where patrons can carry and consume alcohol outdoors within designated areas during set times, received final approval. It had previously received sign off from several other entities, including the Economic Vitality Committee and the Downtown Advisory Board. After discussing the potential effects on local businesses and Sunday sales, the board voted 3-2 to implement the social district.
Corey Forest and Matthew Hayes were named as alternate members to the Planning Board, representing in-town and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) interests, respectively. "It's essential we choose individuals who truly represent the diverse interests of our community," emphasized Commissioner Kyle Shipp during the nomination process.
The board's consent agenda—a list of items considered routine and requiring no discussion—included approval for the Pittsboro Rotary Club's Annual Street Fair on Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will be held at a town-owned lot at 50 W. Salisbury Street and will feature areas designated for alcohol sales and consumption.
Bringing a touch of levity to proceedings, Mayor Perry spoke fondly of the recent 73rd County Fair, in particular her blue ribbon-winning vegetables — okra and green peppers, specifically, although she lamented that her canned plums were less celebrated. Perhaps next year.