PITTSBORO — The Chatham County Schools Board of Education met at 6 p.m. for open session on Monday, July 10, agreeing to rename the Chatham School of Science and Engineering, grant a sidewalk easement and accepted multiple other action items.
One of the most important action items is that the board agreed by 4-1 votes to rename Chatham School of Science and Engineering to Chatham Early College (CEC). This will allow CEC to be able to provide more career pathways to Chatham County students.
Dr. Amanda Moran, assistant superintendent for Academic Services and Instructional Support, said this will help position the early college for future expansion as businesses come into the area and the community grows.
Second, the board of education unanimously agreed to “grant the easements and right-of-way for construction and use of a sidewalk on the northern shoulder of Pittsboro School Road between Farrell Street and McClenehan Street to the Town of Pittsboro,” according to the meeting agenda.
“This will help children and parents who are walking to and from Pittsboro Elementary,” Assistant Superintendent for Operations Chris Blice said.
Third, the board of education also unanimously agreed to declare the Central Services facility at 369 West Street, “minus the 0.736 acres encumbered by the Pittsboro Elementary gravel parking area,” as surplus for around $2.77 million, which is at fair market value. This plot of land will also be offered to Chatham County.
Finally the board of education discussed updates to language pertaining to the 2023-2023 Student Code of Civility, and its language will continue to be updated based on questions and requests asked by the commissioners.
In addition to the action items, Ilana Dubester, Selina Lopez and other team members and program participants of Orgullo Latinx Pride (OLP) were in attendance to give first hand accounts explaining how helpful the program has been.
OLP is a free after school youth program through the Hispanic liaison for Jordan Matthews and Seaforth High School Hispanic students, to help them succeed in school, graduate high school and pursue a higher education, according to their website.
Six students and parents went up to the podium and said that the program has boosted their confidence, given them a sense of community and helped them reach their goals of going into higher education.
This program will continue into next school year.
The next Chatham County Schools Board of Education meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 14, in the Central Services Board Room at 468 Renaissance Drive in Pittsboro.