Thanksgiving alert


Thanksgiving alert! Thanksgiving alert!

Oh, wait, I bet you’re fully cognizant Thanksgiving is tiptoeing its way into Chatham County (and other nearby locales). Am I right? So the planning has begun, often centered on serving the appropriate holiday food groups …

… Turkey smothered in gravy, sweet potatoes with baby marshmallows and pies (all with whipped cream) …

Oh my, I was deep into that food fantasy when, well, I’ll just say it, I discovered Todd died. He was a 52-year-old former neighbor who moved to a different state several years ago. I felt stunned as I read his obituary, reminding me of all the reasons I’d had such respect for his essence. But never told him.

Todd’s death made me aware that I rarely offer personal, heartfelt, thanks to others for the various gifts of their presence in my life. Quite frankly, I’m afraid I’ll cry. As someone who is manifestly uncomfortable with sharing tears in public, you can imagine how this could be a large obstacle to offering heart-to-heart thanks to others.

But, hey, I’m still an evolving human being (as I bet you are too.) I’m willing to walk toward the possible danger of shedding a tear or two to thank you for the unique gifts you’ve brought into my life. I don’t want to miss that opportunity as I did with Todd.

This year’s Thanksgiving has become multi-dimensional for me. No denying the great food (who’d want to anyway), but I’m also setting my heart on having significant dishes of expressed gratitude for YOUR presence in my life. May I continue to serve these same dishes next year…

Jan Hutton is a retired hospice/hospital social worker who believes in living life with heart and humor. She has happily lived in Chatham for 20 years.