Perspectives: Abundance or scarcity? How will we emerge?


For once, everyone in the world is sharing an experience. We have the time to reflect on the world we’ve created; the systems and resources that are in place. We’re seeing businesses adapt, people pick up old hobbies, and start to do the things that have been on the back burner for years. The energy around the world is both uncertain yet inspiring. Humans, at their core, are resilient. Taking this time to scale down and do a deep dive into each of our deepest desires could be a catalyst for a healthy, healing world.

We can come out of this pandemic in two ways: abundance or scarcity. There will be people who will hoard resources always reflecting back to the months of COVID-19. These people will be prepared but not without sacrifices and living in fear. The other side could be more beautiful. As a community, we could focus on the small ways of support during this time with a deep intention to demand more of ourselves and our situations when this is all over.

Focus on the small things you can do each day. Do what you can. If the most you can contribute is staying in your home, that’s OK. If you’re healthy and can volunteer, there are numerous initiatives that could use your skills. If you have money to spend, do your research and support local businesses or donate to your favorite non-profit. Words matter and our voices are important. Reflect and write down where your thoughts take you because there is always a reason why.

Perhaps the greatest things we can do are for ourselves. To be selfish. Reconnect with yourself and tend to your mind, body, and spirit. Read a book on your list. Go outside. Work on home projects. Meditate. Sign up for therapy. Exercise. Take a long bubble bath. Take a free online class. Catch up with family and friends. Create and curate. Set habits now. Just be and let it all be.

We will never forget this time and dare I say we might miss when we could wake up every morning and assess what we needed from the day with the biggest expectation of us being to stay in our family units and out of public. We are living in history — in a time that we will always remember what street we lived on, who we were with, and what we did during this great equalizer.

We are moving from the beginning stages to more of a collective spiritual awakening. We are feeling restless and making impulse buys while trying to resist the imbalance we feel in our hearts. We are starting to question and acknowledge the difference between stimulation and numbness. We are being shown that technological advancements are not making life easier but only setting the bar higher and higher leading to less intention and more exhaustion. This is our wake-up call, a warning from our world. A reminder that there is no hierarchy, and if there was, a virus is sitting at the top of it.

This is the only time in our lives that the world has stopped and could be the only time it ever will. If we rise to the occasion, heal, and recognize things can be different — we could be liberated and start to live happier and more fulfilling, sustainable lives. By each of us taking care of ourselves and our circles, the momentum grows.

This time is precious — you are precious. It took the world to shut down for us to be reminded of that.

Ally DeJong is the associate director of Abundance NC. She can be reached at