Letters: Trump not worth trust of an undecided voter


To the Editor:

Trump deliberately disrupted our U.S. Postal Service. Slowing post office efficiency in order to prevent absentee voting by mail in time for the election is un-American. Trump is attempting to become a dictator. His unethical behavior, his lies and his ineptitude in handling the coronavirus crisis are enough for any honorable voter to refuse to support this conman who cheated his contractors, mocked the handicapped and promotes hate speech and bullying.

Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama presidency; he has run that into the ground by not facing the pandemic with strong leadership. Now millions of unemployed workers, including single mothers with children, are facing eviction and destitution. The Republican senate refuses to negotiate to get those unemployed relief, which helped keep the economy going during the first months of this national health crisis. The Democrats in the House had a bill ready months ago, but Republicans think those who lost their jobs won’t go back to work if they get benefits, when there are actually few jobs to return to!

He touts law and order, but he considers himself above the law. Kamala Harris, the Democratic VP nominee, actually worked for law and order in her career. His ads falsely claimed Joe Biden wanted to defund the police, but these baseless lies make one wonder: if he has to lie to try to win votes, is he worth the trust of an undecided voter? The Democrats have not tried to ban all guns like the right wing claims, but even sawed-off shotguns are illegal in N.C. and assault weapons to murder hundreds are not needed to go deer hunting or protect your home. A Russian operative worked with the NRA misleading Americans.

The Trump administration is rolling back approximately 100 environmental protections for our air, water and land that are essential to our health. Methane leak rollbacks are his latest assault on reducing carbon emissions. Rising seas and worsening hurricanes in warmer oceans are just part of the evidence climate change is real but he denies science, logic, and common sense.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016; this time we need to make sure the electoral college and the popular vote both defeat this mentally unstable and unscrupulous man. He is not draining the swamp: he is the swamp! Russia has a military agency dedicated to spreading false information about his and the Republicans’ rivals (CBS’ 60 Minutes).

Vote in person during early voting if you can, or hand deliver your ballot to your Board of Elections. Trump undermined the postal system, already evidenced by week long delays in formerly prompt Netflix DVD mailings and priority mail, delayed medicine to vets and soon delays for mailed votes.

Joy Hewett
