Letters: Thankful for ‘spoof letter’ in ‘stressful COVID-19 days’


To The Editor:

I am writing in response to last week’s Letter to the Editor (“It’s time to re-open America,” May 14). Very funny! And to think, I almost took it seriously and got upset.

But no, it’s too absurd to think we’d really have a man of the cloth in our midst so silly and clueless as to start out talking Christian love, yet by the end of his opening paragraph be spewing hate and ugly judgment on Democrats and “lying news media,” our fellow Americans and human beings all!

And when the writer goes on to refer to Trump as “one of the greatest presidents this world has ever seen,” well, that’s just plain hysterical! Like most of us, he’s probably figuring out by now that on the contrary, our current White House is nothing but a bunch of incompetents and con men. As a nation we let ourselves be conned, and we’ll be lucky if we don’t lose our beloved democracy before it’s over.

So “Pastor James Mitchell” — or whoever penned last week’s spoof letter — thank you! Particularly in these stressful COVID-19 days, I really did enjoy the laughs.