Letters: More innovative research needed


To the editor:

As I write this, there are more than 3,600 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of North Carolina. This disease’s rapid and untraceable spread throughout our country demands we put our support behind the biopharmaceutical industry. Their work demands that we make sure nothing stands in their way to continue the innovative research that will result in a vaccine or treatment. Our nation leads the world in medical research and discoveries; this work has never been in higher demand and stands to save lives and ease the pressure being put on our frontlines.

As a Registered Nurse, the increasing number of patients at our hospital is disheartening. I fear this number will continue to climb until we have better treatment options, and eventually, a vaccine, with which to prevent COVID-19’s spread all together.

Countless current and future patients would benefit from the research being done in search of a treatment for COVID-19. Companies are stepping in to help patients by setting low prices for insulin, giving prescribe medication to folks who have been laid off and most importantly, accelerating clinical trials.

I encourage our lawmakers to put their politics aside and stand with the biopharmaceutical industry in their efforts to curb the COVID-19 crisis. North Carolinians are depending on it – there is hope in the future of innovative research.