To the Editor:

Bi-partisan soundbytes


The U.S. Senate has many things to do; some small and some very large and critical. Recently, they passed a bill to make Daylight Savings Time permanent. It’s not yet law but one-third the way towards that end; the House and the president need to weigh in.

The House is now studying the proposal and received input from Steve Calandrillo, professor at the University of Washington. His position (as an expert in law!) was that “it would do everything from save lives to reduce crime, conserve energy, improve health, and boost the economy.” He apparently left out world hunger, tinnitus, athlete’s foot and significant data that it would do otherwise! I really don’t take issue with him but with Congress in general.

Many of the big things Congress needs do are not getting done. The big things usually get press and sometimes the little things as well; Congress wants to show that they are working on behalf of their constituents and the country. Often, though, the big and little things are just run up the flag pole along with double-talk. There is no intention to really do anything but to appear to be doing something and taking a position that can be used during election time. Some officials in the state and federal government don’t work on policy at all; they work on their re-election! And on spending — it’s always the party in power that spends too much, never the minority party!

As a counterpoint, my wife and I raised our three children and ran our home fairly effectively. We have shared core values, have learned to listen and compromise, and, a few times, disagree. With reasonably good genetics, hard work and a bit of luck, we are doing OK. We have done the work without fanfare. Life has not been without risks, and we have taken a few but live within our means.

The comparison to our home and government does not seem to mirror what happens at the state and federal level. We think it should. So to government leaders: Reduce your TV-time and press interviews and reduce your dependence on lobbyists to do your policy ground work. Roll up your sleeves, dig in and get things done, embracing the art of compromise and budgetary restraint. Eliminate the double-talk gibberish and by all means when asked a question, answer the question asked … We can read between the lines!

Jim Vanderbeck