Letter to the editor: Beware the failure of the U.S. government


To the Editor:

Every day, when we turn on the TV, we see news covering the unrest in America. No one in the news ever talks about what will happen if the U.S. government fails. With no government, there will no longer be government-funded checks, including Social Security checks, welfare checks and government pension checks. There will no longer be government-funded food stamps or government funded housing. U.S. currency will have no value except to use as wallpaper or toilet tissue.

Everyone will soon realize that hunger does not care about a guise-based lie that there is more than one race. The fights that have taken place at gas pumps will pale in comparison to those over a piece of bread. Without police protection millions of U.S. citizens will die.

Failure of the U.S. government will have no effect on people like the Obamas who probably have investments and currency in other countries. Once the U.S. government fails, all they will have to do is board a private plane and fly away.

Carol Gene Good