Saturday’s alright for shredding

Safely dispose of personal documents and hazardous waste


Chatham County Solid Waste & Recycling is holding a document shredding event this Saturday, April 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m at the Solid Waste & Recycling Main Facility at 28 County Services Road in Pittsboro.

The event is free and open to all residents of Chatham County to securely eliminate and recycle old tax documents, credit card bills and other private documents.

Small fragments of paper and certain other types of waste can only be effectively processed when they are reduced through a method like shredding, explained Recycling and Education Specialist Shannon Culpepper. “Anything that is too small, including small pieces of paper, cannot be sorted correctly. Documents shredded through a shredding service can be recycled though, because they are taken directly to a paper recycler.”

Junk mail, coupons and paper bags do not need to be shredded. A household can bring up to three boxes or bags of documents for shredding, but this is for personal documents only — it does not extend to businesses, home or otherwise.

Participants will unload their paper goods into a designated cart for processing. Papers should be bagged or boxed loosely. Folders and files can be processed directly, and non-paper items should not be brought to the event. Sorting is a critical step in the recycling process and can be done at a center or at home. However, sorting at a facility event increases the chances of more items being reusable when handled properly.

The department will also be collecting Household Hazardous Waste from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office on hand to collect unwanted medications — but no needles, sharp objects, and liquids. Visit for details on what hazardous waste is allowed for disposal.

Alongside the shredding and hazardous waste events, backyard compost bins will be on sale for $45 and kitchen collectors for $5. Staff will be present to answer any questions for those interested in starting a backyard compost. Composting is an effective method to reduce waste and can be beneficial to gardens and soil health.